Be prepared for the latest NBCOT exam! Rely on the guide that has helped thousands of students pass their exams with exactly the practice they need. The 4th Edition mirrors the latest NBCOT exam blueprint and the question formats—multiple-choice and simulation at the difficulty level and in the decision-making style of the actual exam. More than 1,000 questions in five practice exams help you identify your strengths and weaknesses while you improve your test-taking performance.
- Poetry & Short Stories
- Engrossing Medical Reads
- Debut Novels
- Veterans and Stories of War
- Diverse Romances
- Family Dynamics
- Dystopian and Post Apocalyptic Novels
- Cozy Mysteries
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- Engrossing Medical Reads
- Race, Racism, Racial Justice, Racial Equality, and Anti-Racism
- Veterans and Stories of War
- Read by the Author
- Healthy Habits
- Family Dynamics
- Adulting
- True Crime
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